Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pissed off doesn't even begin to describe...

Pissed off doesn't even begin to describe my state of mind at this point. Choleric? K. Galled? Yep. Getting there.

Let's begin:

A few months ago, we inspected a battalion. The battalion was excellent, except for one area. In that one area, the senior NCO responsible was doing things he should not do. He wasn't doing things he should do. We wrote him up, as a Recruiting Impropriety, for every contract he'd come in contact with since the start of the fiscal year. Yeah, he is that bad. Broke every rule in the book.

So today, we get the completed investigation. This senior NCO, who is the subject matter expert in his field, the one person everyone else in the battalion calls when they need help in that field, has an excuse for why he did all that wrong. It was, to paraphrase, that "he was never trained in how to do it and he never read the regulation".

Let me say this again:

The senior NCO of his component in his battalion, with probably 10 years experience in recruiting, the subject matter expert in his field, to whom they all look for answers to questions on exactly the things we inspected, claimed ignorance of the regulation and all policies and procedures.

One more time, for effect:

He didn't know how to do his job because he wasn't trained and he never read the regulation.

And his battalion commander accepted that excuse and closed the case as an "error".

I'm going home now.

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